Monday, February 10, 2014

A Snow Day's Eve

Happy Snow Day to me and the mister tomorrow! Getting a text message at 4 pm that school is cancelled for the following day means a few things:

1. I may or may not already be in my pajamas

2. I have time to write a blog post on a Monday night

3. I will be watching the Bachelor live 

4. A few extra items will get crossed off the to do list with all the spare time I'll have tomorrow (making this type A personality extremely giddy)

As I anticipate my day tomorrow of sleeping in, drinking loads of hot tea, and snuggling under a blanket I am forced to think back on this same time 2 weeks ago…which is now fondly referred to as "Snowmaggedon" or the "Snowpocalypse".

A Series of VERY Unfortunate Events

Monday night (2 weeks ago) -

Me - "it's supposed to be super cold tomorrow and it may snow a little bit"
Matt - "ok"
Me - "think school will get cancelled"
Matt - "I hope not. I don't want to have to make it up"

Flash forward to Tuesday

Tuesday (9:00 am)

My kids - "cool." [middle school excitement]

Tuesday (9:30)

Announcement: We will dismiss after the elementary schools with the target time for buses to be leaving by 11:15

Tuesday (10:00)

Influx of parents storm the gates of Simmons to retrieve their children (also known as "The Lucky Ones")

Tuesday (12:00)

We serve kids lunch as we try to figure out how they'll be getting home

Tuesday (1:00)

Me: "Surely we'll be able to get everyone out of here by 4:00, it's not that bad"

Tuesday (4:00)

Commence eating my words

Tuesday (4:30)

Walked with a friend to get her dog to come spend the night with us at Simmons

Tuesday (5:30)

Ate cafeteria food for dinner

Tuesday (9:00 pm)

Are we really spending the night???????????

Wednesday (7:00 am)

We really spent the night. *Note to self: make chiropractor appointment*

Wednesday (12:00 noon)

Our rescuer in a white minivan came and took me home!

Reflecting on our time spent in Simmons I've been so thankful for a few things.

1. I wasn't in this:

2. I've made great friends at Simmons

3. We had heat, plenty of food, and blankets brought by members of the community

4. I work at a middle school, so there wasn't any diaper changing! (Hunter Street Church had 50+ young children spend the night there)

5. We got the next three days off school!

3 Cheers to this snow day being spent at home instead of at school! 

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