Saturday, February 22, 2014

Our Father's House

"But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." 
Joshua 24:15

Some of you may already know the big news, but Matt and I are now homeowners! We are thrilled to be in a house and have loved living here for almost a week now. While I would love to tell the story of how we found the house and show pictures of how we have it decorated, that's going to have to take the back burner because there is a much bigger story that needs to be told.

This house is not our house. 

While technically we own the house, and the mortgage is in our name, and this is where we sleep at night, neither one of us feels as if this house "belongs" to us. This house belongs to the Lord through the graciousness of Matt's dad Bud. 

Many of you know that this past summer, while we were on our Honeymoon, Matt's dad passed away suddenly. Through his provisions to us and Matt's sister's family, we have been blessed to be able to buy a home earlier than we expected. As teachers we planned to do the apartment thing and save our pennies until we could find a house. However, as has been the theme of the past few years, nothing went according to our plan. 

This house is a blessing from the Lord and we would be fools not to share this story. The story of his blessings poured out on undeserving people. For this reason, we want this house to be a testimony of His work in our lives. From unimaginable sadness to unspeakable joy, we have been blessed beyond belief. This year we have seen that it is possible to seek and find the Lord in times of grief, and we want to be honoring him and praising him in this season of blessing. 

Perhaps another time I will share all the ways the Lord led us to this specific home and how he provided for us along the way, showing us what to do and giving us peace in the process. But for now I just ask that you would pray for the following:

1. That this home would be a place where the Lord is sought first and that it never becomes about anything Matt and I did to have this blessing. 

2. That this home would provide opportunities to reach out to neighbors and share our story of how we came to live here, and that this in turn would point them towards Christ.

3. That this home would provide an opportunity to serve people at our church, our friends, and our families by opening it up and being hosts for various needs.

4. That this home would eventually one day be a place where we can raise our children to come to know their Heavenly Father, and to know the absolute love their Bud would have had for them if he were still here.

5. That we would never stop being thankful for the blessings that have been poured out on us, none of which are deserved.

"Oh give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever!"
Psalm 107:1

Monday, February 10, 2014

A Snow Day's Eve

Happy Snow Day to me and the mister tomorrow! Getting a text message at 4 pm that school is cancelled for the following day means a few things:

1. I may or may not already be in my pajamas

2. I have time to write a blog post on a Monday night

3. I will be watching the Bachelor live 

4. A few extra items will get crossed off the to do list with all the spare time I'll have tomorrow (making this type A personality extremely giddy)

As I anticipate my day tomorrow of sleeping in, drinking loads of hot tea, and snuggling under a blanket I am forced to think back on this same time 2 weeks ago…which is now fondly referred to as "Snowmaggedon" or the "Snowpocalypse".

A Series of VERY Unfortunate Events

Monday night (2 weeks ago) -

Me - "it's supposed to be super cold tomorrow and it may snow a little bit"
Matt - "ok"
Me - "think school will get cancelled"
Matt - "I hope not. I don't want to have to make it up"

Flash forward to Tuesday

Tuesday (9:00 am)

My kids - "cool." [middle school excitement]

Tuesday (9:30)

Announcement: We will dismiss after the elementary schools with the target time for buses to be leaving by 11:15

Tuesday (10:00)

Influx of parents storm the gates of Simmons to retrieve their children (also known as "The Lucky Ones")

Tuesday (12:00)

We serve kids lunch as we try to figure out how they'll be getting home

Tuesday (1:00)

Me: "Surely we'll be able to get everyone out of here by 4:00, it's not that bad"

Tuesday (4:00)

Commence eating my words

Tuesday (4:30)

Walked with a friend to get her dog to come spend the night with us at Simmons

Tuesday (5:30)

Ate cafeteria food for dinner

Tuesday (9:00 pm)

Are we really spending the night???????????

Wednesday (7:00 am)

We really spent the night. *Note to self: make chiropractor appointment*

Wednesday (12:00 noon)

Our rescuer in a white minivan came and took me home!

Reflecting on our time spent in Simmons I've been so thankful for a few things.

1. I wasn't in this:

2. I've made great friends at Simmons

3. We had heat, plenty of food, and blankets brought by members of the community

4. I work at a middle school, so there wasn't any diaper changing! (Hunter Street Church had 50+ young children spend the night there)

5. We got the next three days off school!

3 Cheers to this snow day being spent at home instead of at school!